LaCheryl Cillie
Thrift Style Living Expert for 20 Years
Licensed Auctioneer #5017
Auctions and Estate Sales Expert
Media Personality
Dynamic and Fun Speaker
(205) 529-4441
Dynamic & Engaging Keynotes
The Art of Thrift
Thrifting is one the biggest trends in the market place now and is here to stay. While it is often good but why not make it extraordinary? Learn savvy tips and tools of the trade. From recognizing sterling silver, gold and platinum to high quality fashions and designs for both personal and home use to antiques and collectibles we will explore it all.
In addition, learn the best places to thrift including auctions, estate sales, online thrifting sites to thrift stores and more.
No one can afford to miss this informative discussion.
Recycling, Upcycling, Thrifting: An Earthly Choice
In the mist of landfills filling up fast we must be very proactive and help to turn this growing concern around. Examine three ways each for of us as individuals do our part more effectively and make a difference through RUT.
Recycling, Up cycling, and Thrifting can be creative and fun for the entire family.
From creative fashion, art, adaptive reuse and a variety of other ways we will explore some of the possibilities while making an impact at the same time.
Create your own personal fashion and home decorating sensation by learning the art of mixing. Old with New, Cheap with Expensive, Shiny with Dull, Layers with layers.
Create your own style uniquely yours the Thriftstyleliving way.
Hidden Treasures, Undiscovered Wealth
Explore the possible treasures you or your loved ones have lurking around the house that could be worth hundreds or thousands of dollars. Many times when loved ones due their treasures are given away or even worse put on the trash pile. This is appalling but is a common problem. Wealth is often tossed out the window.
Stop this ever growing problem.
Auctions & Estate Sales
Need an auctioneer for your next charity benefit? I’ve conducted dozens of benefit auctions.
My clients have included:
Camp Smile A Mile
Big Brothers Big Sister
American Heart Association Heart Ball
Commentary Salvation Army Prom Dress Give-a-Away
I’ve also led auctions for private estates around the country, including the prestigious Bundy Estate in Birmingham, Alabama.
Speaking & Workshops
Looking for a fun, dynamic speaker for your meeting or event?
Topics I discuss:
Secrets to Shopping at Estate Sales, Thrift Stores, Flea Markets, and Garage Sales
Estate Sale Planning 101
Garage Sale Planning 101
Deliberate Buying for Wealth Building
Buying and Selling at Auction
Buying, Selling, and Caring for Antiques & Collectibles
Past Engagements:
Maxwell-Gunter Officers’ Spouses Club, Maxwell AFB, Jan. 17, 2013, “Shopping at Estate Sales, Thrift Stores, Flea Markets, and Garage Sales”
Southern Women’s Show-Memphis, Memphis, Tenn. March 8-10, 2013, “Thrifting and Upcycling”
Agudath Israel, Etz Ahayem Sisterhood Brunch, Montgomery, Alabama, April 21, 2013, “Fabulous Finds at Thrift Stores and Estate Sales”